The Government of Chance. Sortition and Democracy from Athens to the Present, Cambridge University Press, 2023
Chinese version: Peking University Press, March 2024; Spanish version: Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza, 2024 (forthcoming).

Previous French version: Petite histoire de l'expérimentation démocratique. Tirage au sort et politique d'Athènes à nos jours, La Découverte, serie “Poches”, Paris, 2011, 293 p.

German version: Das demokratische Experiment. Geschichte des Losverfahrens in der Politik von Athen bis heute, Springer-VS, Wiesbaden, 2016, 296 p.;

Participatory Budgeting in Europe: Democracy and Public Governance (with C. Herzberg and A. Röcke), Routledge, London, 2016.

Previous French version: Les Budgets participatifs en Europe. Des services publics au service du public (with C. Herzberg and A. Röcke),La Découverte, serie “Recherches”, Paris, 2008, 354 p.

Italian version: I bilanci partecipativi in Europa. Nuove esperienze democratiche nel vecchio continente (with G. Allegretti), Ediesse, Roma, 2009, 478 p.

German version: Der Bürgerhaushalt in Europa – Eine realistische Utopie? Zwischen partizipativer Demokratie, Verwaltungsmodernisierung und sozialer Gerechtigkeit (with C. Herzberg and A. Röcke), VS-Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2010, 378 p.

Spanish version: Democracia participativa y modernización de los servicios públicos: Investigación sobre las experiencias de presupuesto participativo en Europa (with E. Ganuza), La Découverte/TNI (Amsterdam), 2011, 243 p. (E-book: http://www.tni.org/es/tnibook/democracia-participativa-y-modernizaci%C3%B3n-de-los-servicios-p%C3%BAblicos-ebook).

Le pouvoir au peuple. Jurys citoyens, tirage au sort et démocratie participative, La Découverte, serie “Cahiers libres”, Paris, 2007, 178 p.

Italian version: Il potere al popolo. Giurie cittadine, sorteggio e democrazia partecipativa, Dedalo, Bari, 2009, 220 p.

Portuguese version: O poder ao povo. Júris cidaãos, sorteio e democracia participativa, Editora UFMG, Belo Horizonte, 2010, 230 p.

Previous French version: Porto Alegre, l’espoir d’une autre démocratie (with M. Gret), La Découverte, serie “Sur le Vif”, Paris, 2002, 142 p. Revised edition, 2005, 144 p.

The Porto Alegre Experiment: Learning Lessons for a Better Democracy (together with M. Gret), Zed Books, New York, 2004.

Spanish edition: Porto Alegre, la esperanza de otra democracia, Debate, Madrid, 2003, 175 p. Spanish edition of Ecuador: Porto Alegre, los desafíos de la democracia participativa, Abya Yala, Quito, 2002, 155 p.

Brazilian edition: Porto Alegre. A esperança de uma outra democracia, Loyola, Sao Paulo, 2002. Portuguese edition: Porto Alegre. A esperança de uma outra democracia, Campo das Letras, Lisbonne, 2003. (Turkish edition: Ithaki, Istanbul, 2004, 181 p. Korean edition: Park Jongcheol, Séoul, 2004.)

La démocratie impossible? Politique et modernité chez Weber et Habermas, La Découverte, serie “Armillaire”, Paris 1999, 404 p. Arabic translation, ACRPS Books, Doha (Qatar), 2017, second publication 2023.