Curriculum Vitae (ENGLISH VERSION)


  • “Habilitation” to supervise research in sociology, Paris 5 University, December 2001. Title: “Délibérer, participer, représenter. Vers une sociologie de la délibération politique”.
  • Ph.D. in Political and Social Science, European University Institute, Florence, January 1996. Title: “Jürgen Habermas et les dilemmes d’une théorie contemporaine de la démocratie”. Supervisor: Steven Lukes. On-line publication:
  • 1993-94: Visiting Fellow, Graduate School for Arts and Sciences, Dept. of Government, and Affiliated Researcher, Center for European Studies (Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.). Research on American Political Contemporary Liberalism.
  • 1991-1993: Visiting Fellow, Frankfurt University, Philosophy Dept.. Research on Habermas’ political theory.
  • 1988-91: Researcher, European University Institute, Dept. of Political and Social Science, Florence. Research on Habermas’ political theory. 
  • Master in Philosophy, Paris 10 Nanterre University, June 1989.
  • Master in History, Dept. of Political Science, Paris 8 University, March 1988. 
  • “Maîtrise” in Social History, Paris 8 University, December 1986. 
  • Bachelor in History, Besançon University, 1983.
  • “Baccalauréat”, Dole (France), June 1980.


  • 25/03/2023 : Honorary degree (doctorat honoris causa), Liège University.
  • 2012-2017: French University Institute Senior Fellowship. This fellowship is the most prestigious prize for French academics. It is given each year to 70 junior and 40 senior scholars in all academics field –around 0,2% of all French academics can get it per year. 
  • October 2016: Tsinghua University Global Scholars Fellowship (Beijing).
  • May 2016: Taiwanese Ministry of Science and Technology Visiting Fellowship.
  • 2009-2012: “Prime of excellence”, Paris 8 University/French Ministry for Research and Higher Education.
  • 2005-2006: “Prime of Recherche and Doctoral Supervision “, French Ministry for Research and Higher Education.
  • January-August 2000: Jean Monnet Fellow, European University Institute
  • 1993-94: Arthur Sachs Fellowship (Foundation A. Sachs), Tocqueville Fellowship (French American Foundation), and Harvard Club of France Fellowship (research at Harvard).
  • May 1993 and March 1990: Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici Fellowships (N. Luhmann’s and P. Ricoeur’s seminars, Naples).
  • 1991-93: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Fellowship (research at Frankfurt University).
  • 1990-91: European University Institute Fellowship (third year at the European University Institute, Florence).
  • 1988-90: Lavoisier Fellowship, French Foreign Office (first two years at the European University Institute, Florence).


  • January-Mai 2023: Senior Visiting Democracy Fellow, Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation, Harvard Kennedy School. 
  • 2020-2022. Visiting researcher, Maison française d’Oxford. 
  • March-April 2022: Visiting researcher, Centre Marc Bloch Berlin.
  • 2007-2021: External Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication, Bask Country University (UPV-EHU).
  • 2018-2020: Associated researcher, Maison Française d’Oxford.
  • 2013-2020: Invited professor, IEPHI, Lausanne university.
  • 2009-2020: Associated Researcher, Marc Bloch Center (CNRS/Humboldt University Berlin).
  • Trinity term 2018: Visiting Fellow, Nuffield College, University of Oxford.
  • January 2018: Sponsored Identity Researcher, Yale University, Political science department.
  • 2009-2018: Invited professor and associated researcher, Institute of Sociology, Neuchâtel University.
  • December 2017: Invited professor, Tsinghua University, Beijing, and short term visiting scholar, Peking University.
  • 2014-2017: External professor, Science Po Paris.
  • Spring Term 2017. Senior Visiting Democracy Fellow, Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation, Harvard Kennedy School. 
  • October 2016: Visiting Scholar, Tsinghua University (Beijing).
  • June-July 2016: Visiting Scholar, Exzellenzcluster Normative Orders, Goethe University Frankfurt/Main (political theory seminar).
  • May 2016: Visiting Fellow, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica (Taiwan).
  • Spring term 2016: Visiting Research Fellow, Institute of Advanced Study, University College London.
  • August 2015. Invitation in Taiwan for a cycle of public lectures (at the Academia Sinica and other places) in the frame of the d’Alembert Program, Taipei French Bureau.
  • Spring Term 2015: Invited professor, Tsinghua University, Beijing.
  • Fall term 2014: Invited professor, Goethe Universität, (Chair Alfred Grosser, Frankfurt/Main University), department of social siences.
  • Spring term 2014: Visiting Scholar, Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation, Harvard Kennedy School (Democracy seminar).
  • Spring Term 2013. Visiting Scholar, Institut für Sozialforschung, Goethe University Frankfurt/Main. 
  • Spring term 2010: Invited professor, IEPI, Lausanne University. Associated researcher, Lausanne University (since 2009)
  • Spring 2007: Invited Professor, Chaire Leclerc, Louvain-la-Neuve University (UCL), Belgium.
  • Fall 2001: External Professor, Catania University, Facoltà di scienze politiche/Facoltà di Giurisprudenza.


  • 2020-2022. Visiting researcher, Maison française d’Oxford. 
  • 2002-2010: Professor of Sociology, Paris 8 University.
  • 2006-2009: Deputy Director, Marc Bloch Center (CNRS/Humboldt University Berlin). 
  • 2000-2003: Researcher, Marc Bloch Center (CNRS/Humboldt University Berlin). 
  • 1999-2003: Researcher, Research Center “Genre et Rapports Sociaux », IRESCO, CNRS.
  • 1994-2002: Assistant professor of Political science, Paris 8 University.
  • 1989-2002: Researcher, Research Center «Philosophie Politique Contemporaine”, ENS Lyon, CNRS.
  • 1997-1999: Researcher, Research Center «Laboratoire des Organisations Urbaines: Espaces, Sociétés, Temporalités », CNRS/Paris X University.


  • 2022-2023: seminar Participation, Deliberation and the European Green Deal, CRESPPA/EU PHOENIX research project.
  • 2020-2021: research seminar “Antidemocratic Politics vs. Democratizing Democracy: New Political Imaginaries in the 21st Century New political imaginaries”, Maison française d’Oxford.
  • Since 1994, Paris 8 University: Main currents in sociology; Institutions and Political Systems; Political Parties; Introduction to Sociology; Knowledge and Politics; Introduction to Political Science; Democratic theory; Representative Democracy; Public Sphere and Public Opinion; Methodology of Social Sciences; Representations and the political division of labour; Political representation; Symbolic representation; Research seminar; Doctoral Seminar; Introduction to political theory; Res publica from Rome to the present; Politics and society in Asia.
  • Since 2012: “Introduction to Political Science”, Bachelor, Institute of Sociology, Neuchatel University.
  • 2007-2021: “Los presupuestos participativos”, and then “La representación política”, Master « Participación y Desarrollo Comunitario », Universidad del País Vasco (UPV-EHU).
  • Decembrer 2017: “The rise, peak and (relative) decay of the Western political system”, Tsinghua University, Beijing.
  • 2013-2020: “Participation, expertise, gouvernance”, and then “Professionnalisation de la participation et de l’expertise”, IEPHI, Master Program, Lausanne University.
  • 2014-2018: “La démocratie en question”, common unit of the master programs, Science Po Paris.
  • 2015-2016: “Beyond the principal-agent relation? A global view on political representation (with a special focuss on Esearn and South-eastern Asia)” (together with V. Dutoya, E. Frenkiel, S. Hayat and S. Tawa-Lama), EHESS Paris.
  • Spring term 2015: « The transformation of democracy: a global view »,
  • Tsinghua University, Beijing.
  • Winter term 2014-2015: „Politische Soziologie der Demokratie“, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt-am-Main.
  • 2013-2015: « Towards a New Demos? » (with Th. Coutrot and N. Haeringer), Seminar of ATTAC scientific council, Paris.
  • 2012-2015: “Political Representation: History, Theories, Contemporary Evolutions” (with E. Frenkiel and S. Hayat), Research Seminar, Trench Association for Political Science (AFSP).
  • Fall term 2010: “Power Theories” Institute of Sociology, Undergraduate Program, Neuchatel University.
  • Spring term 2010: “Sociology of Political Institutions”, IEPI, Undergraduate Program, Lausanne University.
  • March 2007: “La démocratie participative”, Chaire Leclerc, sociology department, Louvain-la-Neuve University (UCL), Belgium.
  • 2006-2009: Doctoral seminar, Marc Bloch Center. 
  • July 2006: “Participatory Democracy”, Summer school, Complutense University, Madrid. 
  • 2005-2007: «Participatory Democracy, Deliberation and Social Movements», Research seminar, Iresco/Paris 8 University/CSU/ACI Internationalisation de la recherche.
  • March 2007: «Participatory Democracy», Graduate and doctoral seminar, Louvain-la-Neuve University (UCL), Belgium.
  • 1997-2003: «Suburbs» (with A. Rey), Research seminar, Cevipof, IEP Paris.
  • 2003-2004: «The Private between Work, Sexuality and Politics » (with M. Spensky), Research seminar, GERS-IRESCO-CNRS, Paris.
  • 2001-2002: «Politik und Gesellschaft. Französische und deutsche politische Soziologie am Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts» (with H.P. Müller and F. Jobard), Doctoral seminar, Humboldt University, Berlin.
  • 2000-2001: «Social Sciences and the Welfare State in France and in the USA» (with J.P. Gaudillière), Graduate seminar, Humboldt University, Berlin.
  • November 2001: “Sfera pubblica e teoria della democrazia”, Graduate and doctoral seminar, Catania University, Facoltà di scienze politiche/Facoltà di Giurisprudenza.
  • 2000-2001: «Deliberative Democracy, Participatory Democracy» (with Loïc Blondiaux), Master seminar, IEP Lille


  • Since 2002, 35 doctoral theses have been defended under my supervision, including 24 under international co-supervision (Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Italy, Germany, Mexico, Spain, Switzerland). Currently, I am supervising 7 doctoral students, including 5 in co-supervision. 4 “habilitations to supervise research (HDR)” have been defended under my supervision or are being presently supervised. I have further supervised 34 doctoral or post-doctoral researchers under contract or invited, coming from Algeria, Germany, Brazil, China, Spain, Mexico, Norway and Poland.
  • In addition, I took part in 58 PhD defenses (those of my doctoral students excluded), including 12 outside France, and in 7 HDR defenses (including 2 outside France). In total, I therefore organized or participated in 103 PhD or HDR defenses.


  • Since 2023: member of the scientific board, Réseau national des Maisons des Sciences de l’Homme – RnMSH.
  • Since 2020: codirector of the bi-master program Paris 8 University/Viadrina University (Frankfurt/Oder).
  • Since 2020: Member of the executive board of the EUI Forum on Democratic Participation and the Future of Europe.
  • Since 2017: Member of the President’s board, Paris 8 University.
  • Since 2015 : Member of the scientific council of the Master “Fondements et pratiques de la durabilité”, Lausanne University.
  • Since 2013: Member of the Scientific International Board, Institut für Sozialforschung, Goethe University Frankfurt/Main. 
  • Since 2010: Member of the Scientific Board of the GIS “Democracy and participation”, Paris (Public-private scientific standing group between the French National Center for Sientific Research – CNRS –, subnational governments and private corporations).
  • Since 1997: Member of the consultative committe of political science, Paris 8 University. 2016, 2017, 2022: President or deputy president of the selection committees for the appointement of professors in political science, Paris 8 University (“European Policies” in 2016, “German political theory” in 2017, “Political science” in 2022). 2021: participation in the selection committeee, full professor in Greek history, Paris 8 University. 2019: participation in the selection committee of an assistant professor in Political History and Anthropology in Ancient Rome and Greece, Paris Diderot University. 2012: Member of the Selection Committee of sociology of the FUSL, Brussels. 2010/2011: President/Member of the Selection Committees, Department of Political Science, Paris 8 University. 2010: Member of the Promotion Committee to full professorship, IEPI, Lausanne University. 1997-2000, 2003-2006: Member of the Selection Committee, Department of Sociology, Paris 8 University.
  • 2021-2023 : Member of the Oxford Committee (MFO scientific board, University of Oxford/CNRS). Member of the Oxpo Committee (scientific board of the cooperation program Science Po/University of Oxford).
  • 2014-2022: Member of the direction board of the French Association for Political Science (AFSP).
  • 2018-2020: Cordirector of the Master in political science, Paris 8 University.
  • 2019: Coresponsible of the Graduate school of research proposal “Citizen Human and Social Sciences”, Paris-Nanterre University, Paris 8 University and Paris Lumières University.
  • 2008-2012: Member of the Paris Centre for Sociological and Political Studies (CRESPPA, CNRS/Paris 8 University) direction board.
  • 2011-2012: Head of Department, Political Science, Paris 8 University.
  • 2011-2012: Member of the President’s Board, Paris 8 University.
  • 2013-2015: Member of the French National University Council (CNU), section 04 (political science).
  • 2012-215: Co-director of the standing group, “Political Representation: History, Theories, Contemporary Evolutions”, French Association Political Science (AFSP). 
  • 2006-2009: Deputy Director, Marc Bloch Center (CNRS/Humboldt University Berlin). 
  • 2005-2006: Co-director of the Doctoral studies program, dept. of Political Science, Paris 8 University.
  • 2003-2005: Co-responsible of the “Bologna” reform, Department of Political Science, Paris 8 University.
  • 2005: Member of the Scientific Council, Paris 8 University 
  • 2003-2005: Deputy director, Department of Political Science, Paris 8 University
  • 2000-2003: Director of the Program “Comparing European Sociology”, Marc Bloch Center, Berlin.
  • 1997-2006: Director of the international relations program, dept. of political science, Paris 8 University.


Present European research contracts (principal French investigator):

  • 2022-2026 : “The Rise of Citizens Voices for a Greener Europe” (PHOENIX), EU project H2020, “Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future: Research and innovation in support of the European Green Deal”. Leading partner: Centro de Estudos Sociais, Coimbra.
  • 2021-2024 : Developing Participatory Spaces using a Multi-stage, Multi-level, Multi-mode, Multi-lingual, Dynamic Deliberative Approach (EUComMeet), EU Project Horizon 2020 – Research and Innovation Framework Programme. Leading partner: Siena University

Past European research contracts (principal French investigator):

  • 2011-2013: “Dilemmas of Participatory Network Planning. Sustainability, Democracy and Planning in France, the Netherlands, Spain and Sweden”, program URBAN-NET, EU, PUCA, Paris 8 University, Leading partner: Uppsala University (Sweden).
  • 2010-2012: “PUC- Participation in Urban Climate-Protection”, 6th EU PCRD program, Leading partner: Heinrich-Böll-Foundation Brandenburg.
  • 2006-2007: “Values, Equality and Differences in Liberal Democracies. Debates about Female Muslim Headscarves in Europe”, Specific Targeted Research Project, EU PCRD/Paris 8 University. Leading partner: Vienna University.
  • 2005-2006: “Local Agenda 21 and Participatory Budgeting”, UE, 6ème PCRD, program «Learning community»; leading partner: KATE (Stuttgart).
  • 2004: “Participatory Devices in the City of Grenoble”, European Union, Network URBACT-Partecipando/Marc Bloch Center.

Other international research contracts (principle investigator unless otherwise notified):

  • Fall-Summer 2022: Expertise for the constitution of an Assembly for the ecological transition, Lausanne University, Switzerland. 
  • 2019-2021: Evaluations of deliberative minipublics selected by lot convened by the French Socioal, Economic and Environmental Council, Paris.
  • 2019-2021 : “Reimagining democracy to address authoritarianism and violent extremism: the role of citizenship and human rights education”, UCL Cities partnerships Programme Funds 2019/20 (P.I. H. Starkey).
  • 2016-2019: “(New) Political Representative Claims: A Global View (France, Germany, Brazil, China, India)”, Joint research program of the French National Research Agency (ANR) and the German Research Society (DFG). Leading partner together with EHESS, and Duisburg-Essen and Frankfurt universities.
  • 2015-2018, “La recepción de la filosofía grecorromana en la filosofía y las ciencias humanas en Francia y España. Un estudio comparado de sociología de la filosofía y una propuesta práctica”, Ministerio español de Ciencia y Tecnología. Leading partner: Cadix University.
  • 2010-2013, “Participatory Budgeting – An Innovative Tool to Reinvent Municipalities in Portugal and Cape Verde? A critical Analysis of Performance and Transfers”, CFT, Portugal, Leading partner: Centro de Estudos Sociais, Coimbra.
  • 2010-2012: “A Dynamic of Local Participation in Brazil”, Fundação de Desenvolvimento da Pequisa (FUNDEP), Brasilia. Leading partner: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas.
  • 2010-2012: “Mechanisms of Local Participation in Compared Perspective: Causes and Consequenses”, National Council for Scientific Research (CCHS), Madrid. Leading partner: Centro de Instigaciones Humanas y Sociales (CSIC), Madrid.
  • 2009: “Sciences, Expertise and Politic: New Technosciences Government and ‘Citizens Knowledge’ ”, CIERA/CMB, in collaboration with J.P. Gaudillière (CERMES/INSERM), Marie-Hélène Bacqué (UMR LOUEST), Rafael Ziegler (Lehrstuhl für Umweltethik Greifswald).
  • 2005-2006: “Knowledge Society and Democracy in Europe”, project CIERA/CSU, together with C. Bonneuil, Centre Koyré/EHESS, and H.P. Müller, Humboldt University Berlin.
  • 2004-2006: “Participatory Budgeting in Europe: a Comparative View”, Hans Böckler Stiftung/Marc Bloch Center/Humboldt University Berlin.

French research contracts (principle investigator unless otherwise notified):

  • 2016-2019: “Experiences of discrimination, participation and representation”, ANR. Leading partner: CERAPS- Lille University. 
  • 2010-2012: “Democratic Participation and Cooperative Research: Translation, Hybridization and Learning in Governance and Public Sphere on Environment”, ANR, Leading partner: CERAPS, Lille 2 University.
  • 2009-2010: “Users Participation in Public Local Corporations of Water Management in Europe”, City of Paris/Marc Bloch Center.
  • 2008-2009: “Participatory Democracy in Poitou-Charentes”, Poitou-Charentes Regions/CNRS.
  • 2006-2009: “Local Participatory Disposals in Europe: Towards a Democratization of Techniques?” (with M.H. Bacqué and F. Hannoyer), PICRI Ile-de-France, Dept. Research-Innovation-Technology/CNRS.
  • 2004-2008: “Participatory Democracy, Deliberation and Social Movements” (with M.H. Bacqué), ACI «Internationalisation des sciences humaines et sociales», French Ministry for Research/CNRS.
  • 2003-2004: “Citizen Participation in Urban Politics in Spain: Contemporary Dynamics”, “La participation des citoyens dans les politiques urbaines en Espagne: dynamiques contemporaines”, Délégation Interministérielle à la Ville/Marc Bloch Center.
  • 2002: “Berlin Citizen Juries”, Délégation Interministérielle pour la Ville/Marc Bloch Center.
  • 2001-2003: “Proximity Management and Participatory Democracy”, comparative international research, ACIV, French Research Department (with M.H. Bacqué and H. Rey)/ Marc Bloch Center.


  • Since 2022: Member of the network Democracy R&D.
  • Since 2020: Member of the network Knowledge Network on Climate Assemblies (KNOCA).
  • Since 2020: Member of the Federation for Innovation in Democracy – Europe (FIDE). 
  • 2024: expertise (together with K. Nicolaidis, P.A. Blokker, C. Berg and K. Reid) for the creation of a EU Youth Citizens’ permanent assembly and the decline of pollinators and biodiversity, EU Joint Research Committee.
  • 2022: expertise (together with M. Mellina) for the creation of a Citizens’ assembly for the climate, Lausanne University. 
  • 2021: Adviser (with FIDE) for the creation of a permanent citizen assembly by the city of Paris, garantor of the device.
  • 2019-2022: Evaluation of four mini-publics organized by the French Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE) (together with H. Landemore et alii).
  • February-June 2019 : Guarantor of the French « Big debate » moments organized by the Economic, Social, and Ecological Council (CESE), the Cty of Paris and Paris’ Hospitals.
  • 2017: President of the French national evaluation agency (HCERES)’s evaluation committe of the research center CESPRA, EHESS.
  • 2009-2010: President of the Evaluation committee of the departments of sociology, Communauté française de Belgique, “Agence pour l’Evaluation de la Qualité de l’Enseignement Supérieur”.
  • Since 2007-2008: Expertise and peer review for the “Agence Nationale de la Recherche” (Paris); the “Agence Nationale de la Recherche”/«Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft” (Paris/Bonn); the “Agence pour l’Evaluation de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement Supérieur” (Paris); the «Centre National du Livre» (Paris); the program “Partenariat Institutions Citoyens pour la Recherche et pour l’Innovation” (Ile-de-France, Dept. Research-Innovation-Technology); the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (Canada); the Economic & Social Research Council (U.K.); the European Union (6° PCRD); the “Conseil Interuniversitaire de la Communauté française de Belgique”; the Fulbright-France commission (MICEFA), Casa de Velázquez (Madrid), Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF); the Swiss National Science Foundation, CONICYT (Chili), Hans Böckler Foundation (Germany), UNESCO, Jury of the Ph.D. award from the GIS Participation, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Paris, the OECD, the Bosch Foundation, the Royal Irish Academy.
  • 2005-2006: Expert for the program SOCRATES, «Learning community», European Union.
  • Since 2003: Expert for the program URBACT, European Union. 
  • 2003-2006: Expert for the program URBAL, European Union, network 9, «Participatory Budgeting and Local Finance».
  • 2002: Expert for the program «Development of Democratic Citizenship and Responsive Swiss Political Science Review Leadership at Local level», Council of Europe.


  • Since 2008: Peer review for the journals and scientific publishers: International Political Science Review, American Political Science Review,Revue française de science politique,Politique internationale, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Métropoles, Raison publique, Journal of Comparative Politics, Public Administration, Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales, Raisons politiques, Swiss Journal of Sociology, Contemporary Politics, Revue internationale des Sciences administratives, Sociologies, Les Ateliers de l’éthique/The Ethics Forum, Croatian and comparative Public Administration, Politique et société, Cahiers de géographie du Québec, American Political Science Review, Contemporary Political Theory, Swiss Political Science Review, Representation, British Journal of Political Science, Journal of Chinese Governance, Government and Opposition, International Political Science Review, MIT Press, ECPR Press, Edward Elgar Publishing, Oxford University Press, Columbia University Press,Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, Stanford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Routledge, Presses universitaires du Septentrion, Cambridge University Press.
  • Since 2024 : Scientific board, Journal of Sortition, Imprint Academic (Exeter).
  • Since 2024 : Scientific board, serie Epistémologies du Sud, Presses Universitaires de Vincennes.
  • Since 2016: Scientific board, publisher “Editorial Doble J”, Madrid.
  • Since 2015: Editorial associate, Latenz, Journal für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft, Arbeit und Technik, , Kunst und Kultur, Talheimer Verlag, Mössingen-Talheim (Germany).
  • Since 2015: Editorial Associate, Revista internacional de sociología, CSIC, Madrid.
  • Since 2014: Editorial Associate, Enrahonar. Quaderns de filosofia, Barcelona.
  • Since 2012: Editorial Associate, Terrains/Théories, Paris 10 University/Sophiapol.
  • Since 2011: Editorial Associate, Participations. Revue de sciences sociales sur la démocratie et la citoyenneté, De Boeck publisher, Paris.
  • Since 2011: Editorial Associate, Revue internationale d’urbanisme, Paris.
  • Since 2007: Editorial Associate, Critical Horizons, Acumen publisher, London.
  • Since 2000: Editor of the Serie “Politique et société”, La Découverte publisher, Paris.
  • Since 1999: Editorial Associate, Constellations, Sage Publisher, New York.
  • Since 1993: Editorial Associate, Philosophy and Social Criticism (Boston), Sage Publisher..
  • 2009-2010: Editorial Board, Sozial Geschichte, Bremen
  • 1998-2008: Editorial Board, Mouvements (politique, sociétés, culture), publisher La Découverte, Paris. 
  • 1998-2006: Editorial Board for Social Sciences, La Découverte publisher, Paris.
  • 1991-2000: Editorial Board, Actuel Marx, CNRS-Presses Universitaires de France publisher, Paris.
  • 1994-1998: Editorial Board, L’homme et la société, L’Harmattan publisher, Paris.
  • 1987-1998: Editorial Board, Revue M (supported by the “Centre National des Lettres”), Paris.
  • 1994-1997: Editorial Board, Futur Antérieur, L’Harmattan publisher, Paris.
  • 1992-1994: Co-editor of the Serie “Coyoacàn” (on Latin America), Syllepse publisher, Paris.
  • 1991-1994: Editorial Board, Écologie politique (supported by the “Centre National des Lettres”), Paris.
  • 1989-90: Italian Correspondent for the weekly Politis, Paris.


  • Language skills: fluent in English, Italian, German, Spanish; fair in Portuguese; Catalan (passive understanding). 
  • 1980-88: “surveillant d’externat” in the Educational Districts of Besançon and Créteil.
  • 1985: Military Service.